History – Before the Tin Man

Before the Tin Man is a digital reference on Decorative shingle design and installation. In April 2002 “Before the Tin Man V2.0” was released. The name was influenced (in part) after a 1987 movie called “Tin Men” starring Richard Dreyfuss, Danny DeVito and Barbara Hershey. It was named “Before the Tin Man” to reflect what society used to do for siding and venerating the countless, antique decorative shingle projects already hiding under Aluminum. Of course, aluminum siding is now out of fashion and the modern equivalent is vinyl or cement board. 

The Outer Wrap for V 2.0

Before the Tin Man was distributed in data CD format as a multi-platform, run-time database. This format allows searching certain shapes or other criteria. It has over 800 photos of decorative shingle projects and 500 drawings of various installation spacings and combinations. It was reviewed in Fine Homebuilding #152, It went on to become an important resource for Heritage societies, architects, designers, siders and builders as well as those planning their own decorative project.

“…The designs range from the traditional half-round scallop effect to some that are as mind-bending as an Escher print”.

Mike Guertin – Fine Homebuilding #152

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